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Hi, I'm Yi-ning,

a dynamic and strategy-oriented UX designer specializing in digital product and service design.

Case Study

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Interaction Design

Mosa Bell - Digital Bike Bell

This is a mobility project tackling the road safety issue with 5G technology. Our proposed AI-powered solution provides active safety for cyclists to prevent unnecessary accidents.


Product Design

Apple Podcasts Redesign

This project is a podcast application UX/UI design project. It aims to build a sustainable platform ecosystem by creating high customer loyalty through new content discovery interaction.

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Service Design

Posti E-commerce Return Exp

This project is a service design project that aims to create a comprehensive e-commerce return experience for both customers and e-tailers.

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Service Design


Tunturikonttori is an occupational healthcare service concept that offers employees the possibility to increase productivity while working remotely close to nature.

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Design System

Calqulate Design System

Built and managing Calqulate design system to ensure consistent user experience and development efficiency for both the web product and marketing website.

Coming Soon

Other fun design works I did

(footwear design / color & material design / product design)


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